Payments on bank cards have become unsafe!

Last updated on May 31st, 2017 in News

Making payments on bank cards, you risk to loose all of your money! In the risk zone, there are any actions: ordering shoes at a well-known store, airline tickets for $ 9.99 or paying for your mobile net in a 1001 time. You rejoice in discounts, and do not suspect that usual actions may open the access for your personal data to intruders.

Every day there appear dozens of new technologies, and at the same time – more sufficient tools for deception. Finding a thief is almost impossible, just as return of your savings. Banks are powerless in this fight. Often the very fact of theft is questioned – the attacker knows too much about you.


The burglars now do not penetrate into the system of your device: they steal it entirely. The system “thinks” that it’s you who is fumbling for programs, throwing money at a Balinese account and ordering Moet to your Hilton room. While this insolent celebrates his success with your money!

So what to do? Where to run?


Running unfortunately, is not an option. The refusal of bank cards or return to money in a jar is also not a panacea. There are some safety rules, observing which, you will protect your funds from theft.


  1. Do not use someone else’s computer or phone for banking. The threat lies not in close people themselves, but in their technical illiteracy.
  2. Set SMS alerts for all operations with your card. If someone decides to spend your money on IPhone 7, you will learn about it first and have time to contact the bank.
  3. Create a special card with a small amount of money for payments on the Internet. You’ll spend minutes, but protect the hours and days of your work.
  4. Do not use public networks for your financial transactions. The computer at your workplace also is not your property. Do not make it responsible for your bank accounts.
  5. Do not connect to unfamiliar networks, especially with suspicious names like “Free_Wi-Fi” or “Free_NET”. Even if you don’t plan to use a card now, personal data, correspondence, passwords will be at stake.
  6. Use a closed VPN connection. This type of secure network is created over any existing one. Your location, logins, passwords, phones, correspondence, visiting history, financial transactions are encrypted and transferred to the server, and from there – to the final resource. No one, except of a specific payment system or bank, will be able to accept confidential information. For the entire e-world you become anonymous, and the received and sent data is invisible. With the VPN connection, payments are completely secure.


How to choose a VPN system?

You do not need to finish technical courses or pay a master to get VPN protection. Do you register on websites and use e-mail? So just install and configure the program on your computer, tablet or smartphone.


Don’t worry for the speed of data transmission: your favorite TV-shows, music and online games will not lose in quality. In addition, you will receive a bonus: you gonna get the access to resources blocked in your country – and this means even more shops, discounts and videos!

To assess the convenience of the VPN network, popular resources offer a free trial version. The payment for it will not affect your budget much, though, you would definitely feel a zero on your bank account.



You think that the security of payments is on banks? But firstly, this kind of fraud leaves no traces and it is almost impossible to prove the bank’s guilt. And secondly, your time, nerves and money will be tainted one way or another. Take care of yourself!

Remember these simple tips and share them with your friends. Maybe a second, spent on repost, will save loved ones from trouble.

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