Best VPN for new iPhone and iOS7

Last updated on September 13th, 2013 in SmartDNS, VPN

iPhone 5s 5c VPNApple’s big day is behind us. We know everything where new iPhone 5s and 5c are concerned. We bet, HideIPVPN  readers are divided between iOS, Android and Windows fans. With that in mind let us not take sides in this holy war. What we want to do though is to help those of you who will begin their adventure with iOS7 and new iPhone in securing your on-line identity and getting the maximum out of your new device. Before we tell you how good VPN and our SmartDNS service enrich your iPhone and iOS7 experience, we feel it would make sane to say few words about both services, to those of you who are here for the first time. Perhaps you were using Google or Bing to find out about VPN, Smart DNS, privacy, anonymity, unlocking sites, etc… but you are still not sure what is what. In such case we will try to help you with that. Once all VPN and SmartDNS questions are clear to you we will move on to  new iPhone.

What VPN should I choose?

This is very basic question. As you can see we offer quite big selection of VPN services. To make the right decision here you need to answer yourself few questions. Will you be using VPN on any other device than iPhone (we suggest you do use VPN on every internet enabled device)? Will I be using VPN to stream media on different devices? If streaming media – from what countries will I need IP address to replace my own one. Do I plan to use P2P and Torrent networks with VPN (anonymous upload of files)?

For example, if you live in USA (you already have US IP) but (beside anonymity and privacy concerns that will be covered by VPN masking) you also think you will want to watch British TV (live BBC, ITV, etc.) or use mentioned P2P networks, you should choose one of our popular $9.99/month VPN plans. If one the other hand streaming of UK TV plus additional safety of VPN are your main ideas you can go for our cheapest VPN (Premium UK VPN).

Also, if you make a choice that you are unhappy with, don’t worry. We are flexible – next month you can choose completely different VPN plan to replace your current one.

What is VPN?

In short VPN provides additional layer between you, your device and the Internet (including your ISP). I works like a windows with mirror foil. You, on one side, can see everything (“whole” Internet), including unlocked geo-restricted sites. On the other hand “the Internet” can only see the mirror (meaning VPN server), not what is behind it. Above all that, all traffic exchanged by you an the internet is fully encrypted. This means no one can see or listen to your data.

VPN on iPhone – why?

Beside all the general concerns about privacy and anonymity in the internet that are valid for all smart devices, not only Apple’s iPhone. There are additional points truly important for users of mobile devices. You will use your iPhone in many places outside your home. At school or work you might find out that certain sites or in general access to out side world is block by administration. In such cases. If that happens VPN connection will help you go around it. When travelling abroad, you might want to access your bank, your server with sensitive data all when using Free Wi-Fi hotspot. In such cases good VPN for iOS might be the only thing that will save you from being robbed (how do you know who and why runs this Free Wi-Fi hotspot?).

Choose VPN and get SmartDNS!

One of the best things about our top VPN packages is the fact that you will get our awesome SmartDNS service as included in the package. This means that you can hide your IP (and identity) on your new iPhone 5s or 5c and enjoy all unlocked streaming media on your other devices with Smart DNS.

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