How to bypass UK porn age-checks and why?
Last updated on November 10th, 2020 in Censorship, News

Last updated on November 10th, 2020 in Censorship, News
On 15th July, a new law will be in force in the UK. A scheme that is meant to stop under-18s accessing pornographic websites. However, this new law will have a huge impact not only on children that indeed should not be able to access this type of content. More importantly, it will have impact and consequences to all adult that do access websites with porn from time to time. This is how you can bypass porn age-checks and why you should do it.
As it is right now, most of the sites with pornographic display a simple warning information about explicit content. Additionally, you are often asked to confirm you are over 18 before you click “Enter”. In the UK those times are coming to an end. From 15.07 companies running porn websites will have to implement tools to really verify the age of visitors. Those websites that will fail to do so, will be blocked by Internet Service Providers.
First, you may simply be suddenly cut off from the websites you like. And they do not have to be just pornographic. If the pornographic content on the website will be higher than third of overall content it will be considered pornographic. As such, it will require to adopt age verification tool or will face being blocked in the UK territory.
Secondly, it will be up to the pornographic platforms themselves to choose how to verify UK visitors’ ages. Simplest and most efficient will be scans of all documents that can prove your age. There are also talks about special cards you will be able to buy in the shops, that will act as proof of age.
At the same time, that creates massive risks. All the data gathered by those websites for the purposes of age verifications can be leaked at some point. It is also a great opportunity for scammers to get more information about their potential targets. Not to mention all risks involved with leaks of this kind of documents/information form these types of data.
Even the “adult cards or porn passes cards” are risky as too. Those combined with a system like AgeID can create a “UK porn users list”. And we are pretty sure, you would not want to have a place for your name (and possibly other data) on such list. Especially, that like all other things it may be leaked too. You can read more about the new law on BBC website.
Luckily for you, there is a very simple way to bypass porn age-check. As you know, those restrictions will be imposed on websites operating under a UK law or those from outside of UK, that wish to remain accessible. All these websites will check if you connect with them form a UK territory and this will be done through your IP address.
The easiest way to disguise, hide or change your IP address is to use VPN.
Create an account with HideIPVPN, connect to any VPN server located outside of UK and that is it. You will not be asked for any additional proofs of your age. No need to scan your ID, passport or any other document.
Remember, that it is strongly advisable to surf or connect to the internet through the VPN at all times. With VPN you minimize all the risks of phishing or stealing your data and you greatly improve your privacy and anonymity online.