Turkey Banned YouTube and main Youth Social Net: Who is Next?

Last updated on May 31st, 2017 in News

So imagine: you arrive to Istanbul for the weekend and decided to tweet your friends about your journey, but – oooops! – you realise, it doesn’t work out anymore! You start worrying that your impressive picture will become “out of date” and try to download other messengers …

Is it possible to avoid that situation?

Praise the heavens – yes! Otherwise, many countries would have been already isolated from popular sites and even – scary to think! – social networks. For example, in Vietnam habitual Facebook is blocked, in Egypt people are isolated from Twitter, and in China it seems that almost all popular social nets have already been closed down for the last 15 years. For residents of this country, access to the global network is essentially turned into a quest with the opportunity to get behind bars in the end!

Meanwhile, the most advanced users from around the world have learned to bypass this problem – with the help of VPN.


So, what is VPN?

The abbreviation stands for Virtual Private Network. This is a common name for all technologies that provides a network connection bypassing another network – the Internet, for example. Thus, VPN allows you to look at any necessary sites in your “own” non-public connection.

How it works?

To say short VPN is a virtual tunnel, that connects your computer to the provider’s server. This is how you get this very tunnel: you send data to a secure server, and the protection of your requests lies on the shoulders of the VPN service.

The most important part of it is that this technology is completely safe!

You will say: “Okay. I like this VPN you are talking about. But what is the trick? Surely he will need a lot of operative memory, and my IPhone is always “on the rocks”! “

The answer is: not at all!


The only con of this tech is that free VPN-services perform less quality than chargeable ones. Otherwise they offer significant bonuses:

  • Free period of test-use, so you make sure in its usefulness and convenience;
  • Non-interference into the flow rate, because the service does not “slow down” the loadings;
  • No restrictions on the amount of data transfer, you may download as much you want;
  • Autonomous work: when the service is on, you may easily watch online videos, TV and even play network games.

Sure, there is a reasonable question: why should I pay, if there are free products? Anonymizers and proxy servers seem to be an accessible way to go to any site. And they really may solve the problem with serials. But are they really safe?

For example, the US National Security Agency, as well as the FSB in Russia, tracks all user communications in VK, Facebook and Twitter. In India, there is also a system that helps local authorities to learn the information about the owners of devices without even notifying the provider. Here VPN has a huge advantage – it completely protects you from information leakage to the Network. When you connect to it, you don’t need to enter any data: turn it on and use it. This means that even if you go to some site and leave information about yourself – every step will be safe.

So how much does it cost?


Yes, free VPN services do exist. But, as every free thing, they have their own cons, including extremely unpleasant ones: unscrupulous applications can sell your personal data. So we do not recommend using alluring free services. In the end, such an application is worth a penny, believe me, your data is much more valuable.

Ask your friends, did it ever happen to them, when, being on a trip, they could not go into social networks to contact their loved ones? Most likely, they will recognize more than one example! Tell a rep with a VPN service – and save them 5 minutes to solve the problem in the future. Repost!

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