HideIPVPN services

Get “more” with your VPN package

netflixEvery now and than we try to tell you about thing you can do (or gain) with you VPN account. Today’s post is directed to all of you who are subscribed (or plan to do so) to one of our $9.99/month VPN packages and Netflix service. If you pay for lower VPN package, after this post you may wish to upgrade ;-).  You all know that with access to VPN network you can benefit from two very important and useful features. First of all, your security and privacy increases significantly. This is due to high encryption of all your traffic and data. Also, because VPN server acts as a intermediary between you and the rest of the world. What is important is that thanks to technology of “virtual tunnel” even your local ISP will have massive problems in “listening” to your data.

Secondly, with right IP address that will hide your IP you can get access to services previously locked with geo-location techniques. This means that services such as Netflix or Hulu (in USA) are open four you to use as are for all computers in USA.

Now, we get to the “more”part of the post. There are services (Netflix and Spotify are amongst them) that are open in few different countries. Netflix is available to users in USA, UK, South America and Canada. But you would be very surprised how different it is in all those locations. Because of copyright laws (created before “Internet Era”) Netflix has different catalogues for users from each of those countries

With VPN technology you can access more than one library and essentially have two accounts, for two separate services in price of one. If you pay for Netflix in USA, but with your VPN account you can connect to UK VPN servers and watch whole British Netflix library.

Don’t forget that our $9.99/month VPN plans also grant you access to fully anonymous p2p and torrent services…

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