HideIpVPN vs Hulu: US2 Server Blocked
Last updated on February 11th, 2010 in Setup
Hulu has blocked one of our servers again. Users connecting using us2.hideipvpn.com server got today the “Based on your IP address, we noticed you are trying to access Hulu through an anonymous proxy tool” message. We are sorry for any incovenience this caused to our users.
We are working hard to solve the problem and unblock Hulu. Thank you for your understanding!
In order to temporarely solve the problem, you can use one of the following servers: us1.hideipvpn.com or us3.hideipvpn.com.
Take a look to the settings described below.
Solution for PPTP & Proxy connections
All you have to do is to change the server from us2.hideipvpn.com to us1.hideipvpn.com or us3.hideipvpn.com. If you don’t know exactly how to do it you should create a new PPTP connection following the tutorials.
Solution for OpenVPN
You have to perform the following chnages in the OpenVPN config files:
1. Go to “C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\hideipvpn” config directory.
2. Find “Hideipvpn-US.ovpn” file.
3. Copy/duplicate it to another file name ex: Hideipvpn-US3.ovpn
4. Edit new file with WordPad or Notepad
5. Find “remote us2.hideipvpn.com 443” and change to “remote us3.hideipvpn.com 443”
6. Save changes.
7. Go to OpenVPN and you’ll find new server to connect.
8. Use the same user/pass.
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