Why having Android VPN is important?
Today mobile devices allow us to use them almost the same way we use our computers at home. We browse the web, we make searches, we access social networks, we access our bank accounts, we use VOiP services. At the same time there is plenty of companies that would like to know more about us, our behavior, what we write, search, read, say. As much as we like Android system we also admit that there is plenty of security holes in it. One innocent looking application or game can open your system to the whole world.
Beside privacy, that should be always taken under consideration, another reason to get VPN for Android is fact, that quite often we are using open Wi-Fi networks in order to save on our data. Use of such networks creates to possible dangers. First, is that such network was created manly to steal data from users. Not an uncommon thing these days. You are somewhere in the city, you find open hot-spot, you connect your device and you are happy – internet is working.But without Android VPN service your device is clearly visible to owner of the network. If such person is a hacker he can search for exploits in your system. If you have an application that connects to your bank account or any other that stores sensitive data (addresses, notes, pictures, your name, etc…) it can all be accessed and stolen. Even if such open Wi-Fi network is fully legitimate, it takes only one other users with right knowledge and laptop to brake into all other devices that are connected. It will not happen if you active VPN connection on your Android device!
Android VPN for travelers.
Another reason for setting up Android VPN is travels. In our case it was quite often that we have landed in a hotel with nice Wi-Fi access, or so we thought. First, since we do not know, who else is using such network we thought it will be smart to activate VPN connection. But as it is in life people sometimes forget the thing they were about to do. Imagine our surprise, when we could not open popular social websites. Administration of hotels network has blocked access to some sites!
Luckily with our VPN for Android this was no issue. We have turned on VPN connection and all sites were aha unlocked and fully accessible. Not to mention that with Android VPN it was quite easy to watch UK TV abroad.
If we have convinced you buy best VPN out there. Once your account is active go to “SETUP” section for detailed instruction of How to setup VPN on Android.