How to watch UK TV abroad
Last updated on January 10th, 2019 in VPN

British TV stations are among the best in the world. It is also worth to mention, that unlike in many other countries VOD and TV streaming services in the UK appeared among the first. Names like TVCatchup, BBC iPlayer, SKY Go, 4oD, NowTV and many more. UK TV streaming services were always in high demand among Brits living abroad as well as all other users that liked English speaking TV, good TV shows, movies and sport. These days, access to all UK online TV and VOD services is easy with services like ours. Here is a simple guide to How to watch UK TV abroad and a reminder about the most popular services.
If you are Brit living abroad or simply traveling for holidays you already know your favorite services. Those that you use on a daily basis at home. However, if you are a foreigner perhaps you will find some UK TV online services you were not aware of.
The first and one of the most popular is BBC iPlayer. It belongs to UK national broadcaster and will allow you to watch all BBC programming live and on demand. The next popular VOD and streaming service is Amazon Video. If you have active UK Amazon Video subscription with our VPN service you will be able to access Amazon content anywhere in the world.
Besides those, other popular services are:
TVCatchup,, 4 od Demand, ITV Player, Sky Go, Now TV, Demand 5, Film 4. You can find additional online TV services in the UK at Wikipedia.
Time to get technical, but don’t worry – it is very easy!
In order to access online content in the UK, you need to make service you wish to use, believe that you connect to them from the UK territory. All content like video & music is restricted geographically due to copyrights and distribution agreements. You have two ways of appearing as in the UK despite the fact that you are not.
First one is VPN. When you connect to VPN server within the UK borders it’s IP address will be presented to all websites and services. This way you will be recognized as present in the UK. The additional upside of this is increased security and privacy. VPN connection is encrypted. Because of that, it is hard to follow your movement online or simply steal your data.
Your second option – recommended for devices with no VPN support – is Smart DNS. A simple change of DNS settings in the device or on your access router will redirect some portions of your traffic through a proxy server. In this case, a proxy server in the UK.
For that, we advise you to use one of our free VPN & Smart DNS applications. Choose your platform and download the app for your device. Enter your login and password and choose the type of connection or server you wish to connect to. That is it! You do not need to do anything else.
To subscribe to our VPN & Smart DNS service click button below. And if you have any questions, get in touch. We will be happy to assist you.