Be safe, be smart!

Last updated on January 8th, 2014 in SmartDNS, VPN

Hide IP with VPNAs new year have just begun and we hope to get many new visitors to our site we would like to remind you about few simple rules that should help you stay safe during 2014. Why are we talking about this? Well, considering what had happened in past year in regard of of internet privacy, we expect this trend to be even stronger this year. It is still January and already there are articles that NSA is working on quantum computer to crack any safety password, code or encryption. And since agencies like NSA are making progress in obtaining and analyzing data you can be sure that two other groups are doing the same. First group are corporations. To some of them we give data willingly – Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc… To some point we know what we share and what sort of date thy are looking for. Other businesses like big websites, banks, telecoms (including your own ISP or cable provider) are looking for data as well. “Big data” – this is what will grow with help of your data. Third group are all the “bad” people you do not want to meet nor in real or virtual world.

You can bet, that methods hackers will use this year to get to your most private data will be even more sophisticated. This is price of progress.

How can I make my data and identity safer?

  • Use only trusted devices when you connect to internet and send sensitive data.
  • Make sure you antivirus and firewall software are always working and are up to date
  • Whenever you connect to the internet always use VPN to scramble your data and hide your IP address
  • don’t accept cookies unless from trusted sites
  • don’t visit doggy sites – if you have to make sure your VPN connection is up and that your browser is set to “incognito” mode

Only good VPN can help to keep your identity safe, your privacy intact and your data (as your IP address) hidden from preying eyes. Keep it safe, be smart.

Remember, all our most popular VPN plans include also Smart DNS access at no extra cost. Best tool to unlock USA & UK music and video streaming sites.

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